Hattrick pages

Today I removed the dedicated Hattrick page from the weblog and replaced it by separate post about the highlights. If you’re interested you can find the original content below.

Hattrick is one of the coolest webgames out there. And it’s free! It’s about managing your own football club. Here are some tools you can use when you’re an hattrick team manager. Of course these tools also are free.

Arenasizer Calculate how big your stadium should be web
Hattrick Assistant Manager Like HCP, but with an transfer price evaluation which hands you a good price for your player, based on real transactions download
Hattristics Essential statistics about Hattrick web
Hattrix Files A LOT of information, research, thougths, etc. web
HT-Dog HatTrick Disarmer Of Giants helps disarm your opponents by showing theirs strengths and weaknesses web
Transfer Price Evaluation See what the prices are for players on a position with a certain skill web
X-ray X-ray your future oponent, the weather, coaches, and many more web

Feel free to challenge me at hattrick! My team: topaanbieding.com

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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.

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