Received my M.Sc. degree certificate

Yesterday I finally received my Master of Science degree certificate. Family and friends where at the ceremony and afterwards we had a BBQ. Thanks everybody for being there or supporting me in any other way!

Now I can finally prove that my titles are genuine:

in Dutch:

Docterandus Bedrijfswetenschappen

(Drs. L. van Achteren)


Master of Science in Business Studies
L. van Achteren M.Sc.

I received two degrees: one Dutch version (called a “Bul”) and an international version. Besides these, I received a “Diploma Supplement” of five pages, which explaines what I did to receive this degree. I’m very happy with this supplement as it proves that I didn’t do a normal Business Study, but a Technical variant. I was unpleasantly surprised that this wasn’t mentioned on the degree itself, as it is referred to as a seperate study throughout my entire academic career.

Attention: outdated!

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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.


  1. Hey Leendert,

    Gefeliciteerd met het behalen van je bul.

    Weet je al wat je nu wilt gaan doen?

    Het is inderdaad wel vreemd dat ze niet gewoon technische bedrijfswetenschappen op je diploma zetten (was bij mij nog wel gewoon zo).

    Veel succes voor de toekomst.


    Bart Cornelisse

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