Noreena Hertz: The silent takeover

Noreena Hertz wrote a disenchanted and highly critical Cambridge doctoral thesis, “Russian Business Relationships in the Wake of Reform”, dispelling the myth of Russia’s successful transition to a market economy and questioning the bank’s requirements, which was published in 1996.

In the silent takeover (2002) she describes the move of political power from the people to money. This money includes multinationals but also includes consumers. Interesting thoughts, based on a lot of facts. The silent takeover is great to read for everybody interested in politics and the power in the world. I rate it a 9.

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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.

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