An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed.

After doing some small Windows Updates and I installed a plug in to be able to handle Office 2007 file types in my Office 2003 installation suddenly I get the following error when I tried to reply on an email from Outlook:

Microsoft Word is set to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable, not installed, or is not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook e-mail editor will be used instead. An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed. Run setup again for the program.

Indeed Microsoft word was set as my email editor but now it was broken 🙁

I found the solution on the website of a guy named Juvenall Wilson. Thanks!

  • Go to Start and press Run
  • Paste the following code and press enter
    regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll
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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.

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