Nokia SportsTracker no activities

SportsTrackerThe Nokia sportstracker is great free software on my Nokia N95 mobile phone. It can log your route for later reference. That can be in a sports activity but also your journey by for example car or train.

After a firmware upgrade of my phone. The sportstracker stopped working however. No activities are available in the activity list and neither can I add new activities. As you need an activity to use the sportstracker that meant I couldn’t use it anymore.

Uninstalling and reinstalling didn’t help. So I searched on the web whether anybody had the same issues. I found this forum where N95 users shared their experiences on the N95. In this specific thread a guy named baseballfanz did the suggestion to delete anything to do with Sportstracker (ST).

So here I went:

  1. First removed the sportstracker from my mobile phone by selecting that option in the application menu
  2. Then installed the Y-browser to be able to browse the directories on my phone.
  3. I found the SportsTracker folder on E:\ (E:\SportsTracker)
  4. I deleted the complete folder
  5. I downloaded and installed the SportsTracker application from the Nokia website.

It worked! The activities are back and I can use it again :). This phone really behaves like a computer.

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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.

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