[HT] The unwritten manual

There’s an incredible amount of information to find about Hattrick. But there’s no central location where everything can be found. Zorbas is the succesfull manager of Saint Lucifer who for example won the Greek cup. He wrote an overview of a lot of information about Hattrick in the Tactics federation. As this is the most complete overview which goes deeper then the average beginner’s guide, I decided to share it here.

► the offensive coach offers a boost of 8% to your attack ratings and a penalty of 11% to the defence ratings.

► the defensive coach offers a boost of 14% to your defence ratings and a penalty of 8% to your attack ratings.

► the neutral coach doesn’t have a specific influence on your attack/defence ratings.*

*This calculations are made considering the neutral coach as a reference.

► The sports psychologists increase your team confidence and – directly – your attack ratings. It’s good to have a minimum of 5 of them, to keep your confidence up, but this depends of how you can manage with the 30 staff members limit.

► The Passing skill of your inner midfielders offers a boost to your attack ratings (especially if they are played offensive and they have a nice Passing skill).

► If a player has played in two different positions during the week, the position that grants him the best training effect will be chosen at the update.

►When you play 1 Forward only, a good option is to maximize the attack on that side, playing the Forward Towards Wing or an Inner Midfielder Towards Wing.

►When you play PIC your Team Spirit will get a boost (multiply your actual TS with 1.33). When you play MOTS your TS will fall down with 50%.

►Your chances to score are distributed as they follow: 35% in the middle, 25% on each side (R/L) and 15% free kicks (direct and indirect FK).

► No matter if the HTs tried to lower the importance of the midfield rating, this is still the most important thing that can lead your team to victory. So do your best to possess your opponent (I’m not talking to the CA managers here :D).

Having Multi Skilled players with Playmaking skill will help you to have a better midfield rating (Defenders with PM, Wingers with PM, Defensive Forwards with PM).

► When you train Set Pieces, your Goalkeeper and your Set Pieces Taker will get a 25% bonus on training.

► When you sell a player it’s not only your TS who may suffer a fall (depending on your player’s character), but also your formation experience, if he was a regular player in your first 11.

►A good help to win a match is the Team Spirit. Having a high TS it’s helpful to your midfield ratings. The most possession you have, the most chances to score you’ll get. A coach with a high leadership will help you to avoid losing too quick the TS.

Try to be unpredictable, which will make it harder for your opponent to ‘read’ your tactics. Be diversified, don’t play always the same tactic. ‘Hide’ your real ratings with different substitutions and orders, especially when you’re comfortable in the lead, but be cautious with that.

►In case of need, especially if you have a coach with low LS, you could surprise your opponent changing the coach just before the match starts (less time for your opponent to react, but pay attention on time), improving your team ratings where needed (defensive, neutral, offensive). A Solid coach/Poor LS costs 268.700 €. If you can afford it and you think it’s worth, go for it.

► A coach with SOLID LEADERSHIP will drop his LS to Passable:
– in 112-150 days if he’s low Solid LS
– in 150-224 days if he’s medium Solid LS
– in 224-385 days if he’s high Solid LS

► The formation experience (4-4-2, 3-5-2 etc) can drop only after a match, not after every HT update.

► The influence on midfield rating:
– playing CA: 93%
– playing at home: 119.892%
– playing derby: 111.493% (away team only, the home team gets the 119.892%, as usual)
– playing PIC: 83.945%
– playing MOTS: 111.4926%

Trading tips(8613)

► The overconfidence message in the beginning of the match never appears when you play MOTS! It may sound silly to play MOTS just to avoid that, but some could lose their 1st place in the League in the end of the season, PICing a match who may look easier than it is.
Be careful doing that if you’ll have to play a Qualification match after this.

► When you get an overconfidence message in the beginning of the match, only your midfield is affected.

► If we consider a player playing at 100% of his capacity in Excellent form, then he will perform:
– Solid form: 96.7%
– Passable form: 89.7%
– Inadequate form: 82%
– Weak form: 73.2%
– Poor form: 62.9%
– Wretched form: 50%
– Disastrous form: 30.5%

►When you get a negative experience message in the match report you lose mainly midfield rating (but the penalty is in the other ratings as well) and this depends of both teams’ experience. The penalty in midfield rating is not more than -2-3% for you (and +2-3% for the opponent).

►When you get a disorganization message in the match report, depending of the level your organisation drops, your team will perform as it follows:

Solid = 95-98%
Passable = 89-94%
Inadequate = 83-88%
Weak = 76-82%
Poor = 66-75%
Wretched= X-65%

►When you play against a Walkover team, you’ll win 5-0, get the formation experience and training for the full 90 min and the TS will be affected as usual (PIC, Normal, MOTS).

► There is an opinion (do not confuse it with a rule) that says that the match engine will consider first the general probability of winning for both teams, after that it will consider the exact score and in the end it will decide the distribution of the chances (which one will be goal and which one not).

This would explain somehow how at times a wretched attack rating will score against an utopian defending rating or how a divine attack rating doesn’t score against a solid defending rating, for example.

► The total passing skill of all your outfield players determines your Attack On Wings / Attack In The Middle tactical skill.

►On the new engine there is no chance in the 45th and the 90th minute. The most chances seem to happen between min. 25-37.

►The efficiency of a coach – comparing to 100% of a Solid one – is:

Excellent – 105.3%
Solid – 100%
Passable – 90.9%
Inadequate – 83.3%
Weak – 76.9%
Poor – 71.4%.

► If you want to know more about the Team Spirit drop or PIC effect, you may want to consider this table:(http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3466/teams…t.jpg) (at times that website is down).

► Having a high number of Head players your team will be more likely to score from the Head SE, but also to defend against your opponent’s Headers. The influence of your Headers in scoring is A LOT BIGGER than in defending against your opponent’s ones (corners). (13700898.133).

► Talking HatStats/LoddarStats, the “weakest” player in HT is the CDO, comparing to what is he losing and what is he bringing in the total team ratings. Don’t get fooled about that, at times a CDO is all you may need to win a match, if you want just some extra midfield.

► After the match engine is analysing the possession, giving you an ordinary chance, it will compare the attack/defence ratings and if it’s the case it will offer you the goal.
The scorer will be picked randomly (the FWs are more likely to be found on the scoring sheet).

► You can set up the Set Pieces Taker – in case your regular one is beingsubstituted – using the Penalty Takers tab. If your SP Taker will be substituted, the second player from the Penalty Takers tab will do the job, not the substitute.

► If you need to improve your Team Spirit you can lower the training intensity. You could check exactly how much will that be here:(http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/?start…files) (Tools -> Matches -> TS vs TI). Be careful, you’ll have to do that the latest Thursday morning and when you’ll be back on 100% intensity you’ll suffer a long term bad effect on your players’ forms and your TS will drop badly.

► The harder you train, the better the squad’s form becomes in general, and effects from training increase (make the connection with the previous trick).

► At the beginning of the season, after the TS reset, your team TS is composed medium (4.50).

► When your team gets a Special Event, it depends of the side where the match engine will give it to you (I’m talking about Technical vs Head, Quick for Wingers etc).

► When you buy a player, there is a chance that your TS may drop, depending of the player’s character:
– Popular/Sympathetic – 0% chances for a TS fall
– Pleasant – 30%
– Controversial – 47%
– Nasty – 69%

► When you sell a player the chances for a TS drop are:
– Popular – 27% chances for a TS fall
– Sympathetic – 22%
– Pleasant – 12%
– Controversial/Nasty – 0%

► If a team has become ownerless it turns into a bot-team on the first of the three following points in time:
– before the 1st round of the Cup.
– after the 7th round of the league.
– after the 14th round of the league.

► You can make good money when you buy players, not only when you sell them. Buy cheap, especially in the end of the season, when prices are low!

► Do you need to know when and where the late international friendlies are played or if a player from TL got already the training/health update? This is a list with all the updates in the HT-World:(http://www.angelfire.com/theforce2/helghallen…e.htm).

► The experience of the player has an impact on a penalty competition only and NOT by a regular penalty kick (or set pieces chance) in the match.

► The fixtures (matches between the 8 teams of the league) are:

Week 1 – 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Week 2 – 4-1 2-7 6-3 8-5
Week 3 – 1-8 3-5 4-2 7-6
Week 4 – 6-1 2-3 5-7 8-4
Week 5 – 1-7 4-5 3-8 2-6
Week 6 – 5-1 7-3 6-4 8-2
Week 7 – 1-3 2-5 4-7 6-8
Week 8 – 3-1 5-2 7-4 8-6
Week 9 – 1-5 3-7 4-6 2-8
Week 10 – 7-1 5-4 8-3 6-2
Week 11 – 1-6 3-2 7-5 4-8
Week 12 – 8-1 5-3 2-4 6-7
Week 13 – 1-4 7-2 3-6 5-8
Week 14 – 2-1 4-3 6-5 8-7

► There are some agglomeration penalties, in case you play 2 or 3 players on the same central position. Those penalties occur to all the skills of the players from that specific central compartment of your team and they are:

– 2 Central Defenders: -3.6%
– 3 Central Defenders: -10%

– 2 Inner Midfielders: -6.5%
– 3 Inner Midfielders: -17.5%

– 2 Forwads: -5.5%
– 3 Forwards: -13.5%

► Also, it’s worth a click here(http://www.bogayman.ro/academie/gr/regulimana….html), if you’re interested to find out some tricks about the Youth Academy (there is a Greek version, thanks to LA-seafish81).

► AOW/AIM Tactics level = [sum of passing]/5-2

Sum of Passing skills of your players (excluding the GK):

30 – Weak Tactic level
35 – Inadequate
40 – Passable
45 – Solid
50 – Excellent
55 – Formidable
60 – Outstanding
65 – Brilliant
70 – Magnificent
75 – WorldClass
80 – Supernatural
85 – Titanic
90 – Extra-Terrestrial
95 – Mythical
100 – Magical
105 – Utopian
110 – Divine.

► Long Shots tactic level = 1.66*SC + 0.55*SP – 7.6
SC = outfield players average scoring
SP = outfield players average set pieces

Penalty on LS:
– Midfield: -5%
– Attack: -2,7%

► stamina Factor = ((stamina+6.5)/14)^0.6

Stamina tools: (http://lizardopoli.altervista.org/staminia/)



► form Factor = ((form-0.5)/7)^0.45

► The influence of player’s XP:



0 1,00
1 1,07
2 1,10
3 1,12
4 1,14
5 1,16
6 1,18
7 1,19
8 1,20
9 1,21
10 1,23
11 1,24
12 1,25
13 1,26
14 1,27
15 1,28
16 1,29
17 1,30
18 1,30

POSITIONS (legend)



► the Goalkeeper contributes with:
– 86.6% of his GK skill to the Central Defence rating
– 42.5% of his Defending skill to the Central Defence rating
– 59.7% of his GK skill to the Side Defence ratings
– 27.6% of his Defending skill to the Side Defence ratings.


► The Central Defender Normal (CD) uses:
– 100% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
– 51.6% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
– 23.6% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield

►The Central Defender Offensive (CDO) is using:
– 31.8% of his PM skill for the Midfield rating
– 72.5% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence rating
– 37.8% of his Defending skill for the Side Defence rating

► The Central Defender Towards Wing (CDTW) is using:
– 16.5% of his PM skill for the Midfield rating
– 77.8% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence rating
– 71.1% of his Defending skill for the Side Defence rating
– 24.6% of his Winger skill for the Side Attack rating

► The Wing Back Defensive (WBD) will use:
– 6.6% of his Playmaking skill for your midfield rating
– 47.9% of his Defending skill for Central Defence rating
– 100% of his Defending skill for the Side defence rating
– 32.3% of his Winger skill for the Side Attack rating

► The Wing Back Offensive (WBO) will use:
– 38.2% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
– 69.8% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
– 23% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
– 61.8% of his Winger skill for Side Attack

► The Wingback Towards Middle (WBTM) uses:
– 68.3% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence
– 68.7% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
– 16.7% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
– 27.9% of his Winger skill for Side Attack


► The Winger Offensive (WO) uses:
– 38.1% of his PM for midfield
– 8.5% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 18.0% of his Defending for Side Defence
– 13.5% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 24.6% of his Passing for Side Attack
– 100% of his Winger for Side Attack

► The Winger Towards Middle (WTM) uses:
– 57.4% of his PM for Midfield
– 56.4% of his Winger for Side Attack
– 13.3% of his Passing for Side Attack
– 14.8% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 24.4% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 28.4% of his Defending for Side Defence

► The Winger Normal (WN) uses:
– 85.4% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
– 21% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
– 10.4% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 45.5% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
– 20.1% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
– 34.9% of his Defending skill for Side Defence

► The Winger Defensive (WD) will use:
– 26.4% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
– 48.5% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
– 38.1% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
– 72.3% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
– 17.3% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
– 5.2% of his Passing skill for Central Attack


► The Inner Midfielder Normal (IMN) uses:
– 100% of his Playmaking for Midfield
– 40% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 18.9% of his Defending for Side Defence
– 32.5% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 21.8% of his Passing for Side Attack

► The Inner midfielder defensive (IMD) uses:
– 94.4% of his Playmaking for Midfield
– 59.4% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 27% of his Defending for Side Defence
– 21.9% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 14% of his Passing for Side Attack

►The Inner Midfielder Offensive (IMO) uses:
– 94.4% of his Playmaking for Midfield
– 21.6% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 10.2% of his Defending for Side Defence
– 48.3% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 21.6% of his Passing for Side Attack

► The Inner Midfielder Towards Wing (IMTW ) uses:
– 88.1% of his Playmaking for Midfield
– 49.4% of his Winger for Side Attack
– 27.1% of his Passing for Side Attack
– 22.7% of his Passing for Central Attack
– 34.8% of his Defending for Central Defence
– 29.1% of his Defending for Side Defence.


► The Forward Normal (FW) uses:
– 100% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
– 22.4% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
– 36.9% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
– 12.2% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
– 19% of his Winger skill for Side Attack

► The Forward Towards Wing (FTW) uses:
– 60.7% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
– 45.1% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
– 26.1% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
– 18% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
– 52.2% of his Winger skill for Side Attack

► The Defensive Forward (DF) uses:
– 58.3% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
– 10.9% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
– 40.6% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
– 58.3% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
– 21.5% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
– 12.4% of his Winger skill for Side Attack

► For Technical Defensive Forward (TDF) the contributions are the same with the DF, with the difference that his Passing skill contributes to the Side Attack with 27.9% instead of 21.5% (as it is for the non-technical defensive forward).

Skills’ Contributions TABLE

GK 86.6% 42.5% 59.7% 27.6%
CD 23.6% 100% 51.6%
CDTW 16.5% 77.8% 71.1% 24.6%
CDO 31.8% 72.5% 37.8%
WBN 16.7% 45% 91.9% 50.6%
WBD 6.6% 47.9% 100.00% 32.3%
WBTM 16.7% 68.3% 68.7% 27.9%
WBO 23% 38.2% 69.8% 61.8%
IMN 100% 40% 18.9% 32.5% 21.8%
IMO 94.4% 21.6% 10.2% 48.3% 21.6%
IMD 94.4% 59.4% 27% 21.9% 14%
IMTW 88.1% 34.8% 29.1% 22.7% 49.4% 27.1%
WN 45.5% 20.1% 34.9% 10.4% 85.4% 21%
WO 38.1% 8.5% 18% 13.5% 100% 24.6%
WTM 57.4% 24.4% 28.4% 14.8% 56.4% 13.3%
WD 38.1% 26.4% 48.5% 5.2% 72.3% 17.3%
FW 100% 36.9% 19% 12.2% 22.4%
DF 40.6% 58.3% 54.3% 12.4% 21.5% 10.9%
TDF 40.6% 58.3% 54.3% 12.4% 27.9% 10.9%
FTW 60.7% 26.1% 52.2% 18% 45.1%


CD#GK – contribution of the Goalkeeper skill to the Central Defence rating
CD#DE – contribution of the Defending skill to the Central Defence rating
SD#GK – contribution of the Goalkeeper skill to the Side Defence rating
SD#DE – contribution of the Defending skill to the Side Defence rating
CA#SC – contribution of the Scoring skill to the Central Attack rating
CA#PS – contribution of the Passing skill to the Central Attack rating
SA#W – contribution of the Winger skill to the Side Attack rating
SA#PS – contribution of the Passing skill to the Side Attack rating
SA#SC – contribution of the Scoring skill to the Side Attack rating

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By Leendert

Leendert van Achteren is a Business Analyst and part-time Web Entrepreneur. He's building and managing websites with SEO in mind He's writing about anything that has his interest, but especially focusing on market transparency for consumers.

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