Software Recommendations May 2009

This the major software I’m currently using on my PC and I can recommend using. Most of it is freeware but not all.

Categorized as Apps

How to convert an audio file to MP3 for free

Every now and then you’ll bump up against music in some “strange” format. These formats will definitely have their advantages (lossless / high quality / multiple channel / …) but they don’t fit in your music collection or your favourite player isn’t even able to play the files! I keep my music library in the… Continue reading How to convert an audio file to MP3 for free

Nokia SportsTracker no activities

The Nokia sportstracker is great free software on my Nokia N95 mobile phone. It can log your route for later reference. That can be in a sports activity but also your journey by for example car or train. After a firmware upgrade of my phone. The sportstracker stopped working however. No activities are available in… Continue reading Nokia SportsTracker no activities

Categorized as Apps

How to change the default Google Desktop Data index folder

Google desktop search uses a folder in which it stores its index files. This folder called “Google Desktop Data” is by default place in the “My Documents” folder of your pc. To me that’s not a logical place though as I only want to have files I actively use to be in the “Mt Documents”… Continue reading How to change the default Google Desktop Data index folder

An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed.

After doing some small Windows Updates and I installed a plug in to be able to handle Office 2007 file types in my Office 2003 installation suddenly I get the following error when I tried to reply on an email from Outlook: Microsoft Word is set to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable,… Continue reading An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed.

How to remove Nero Scout

I try to keep my pc clean of software that I do not use. Nero Scout is such a piece of software. But it automatically comes to your system when installing Nero 7. It has an option build in to disable it, but how to remove it?

How to create your own virtual private network with Hamachi

The internet is great. But still there are things you can do in a local network that can not easily be done over the internet. Share a printer, share a folder, play a LAN game, etc. With the free virtual private network application Hamachi however, you can access your computer from anywhere on the internet… Continue reading How to create your own virtual private network with Hamachi