I love using WordPress for my sites as it’s very easy to install, easy to use, easy to maintain, easy to customize and easy to update. I have been struggling however with changing the language of a WordPress installation. Until I found the trick I’ll show below.
Category: Web Development
How to activate my WordPress.com page
As my WordPress.com page is mentioning that it’s not activated yet, leendert.wordpress.com has not been activated yet. and I have not been able to find an activation link in my email history, I’m trying to have it activated by writing this specific post from my wordpress.com dashboard. Let’s see what happens!
Remove Installed by Installatron from WordPress
I maintain dozens of websites, all of them using the great WordPress package. On my own webserver, I run an installation of Installatron, which is a great tool to easily install software packages on a webhosting account. As I already paid for Installatron and I’m very keen on my SEO, I don’t want to have… Continue reading Remove Installed by Installatron from WordPress
Soft 404s PHPBB
Some time ago my PHPBB forum got filled with spam. I managed to remove the spammy content but Google still knew the links to these pages. When Google came back to spider these pages, my forum didn’t manage to explain that this content was actually gone.
BTW over Google Adsense vanaf 2010
Vanaf 1 januari 2010 is er nieuwe wetgeving van kracht voor BTW over handelen binnen de EU. Luc vat het prima samen in een reactie op mijn vorige post over Adsense en BTW:
How to change the DirectAdmin suspended page
In Direct Admin accounts can get suspended for various reasons. The account can be overused, the reseller can run out of resources or the account as been suspended by the reseller as it was hacked, the customer did not pay their bill or whatever. The default message that pops up on when you visit the… Continue reading How to change the DirectAdmin suspended page
Goedkope Domeinen
Via mijn webhosting bedrijfje host ik een heleboel domeinen. Om mijn kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden, lage prijzen aan klanten te kunnen rekenen en real-time domeinen te kunnen vastleggen, beheren en wijzigen is het belangrijk een goede, goedkope domeinprovider te kiezen. Ik maak al jaren gebruik van de diensten van Transip en heb daar… Continue reading Goedkope Domeinen
BTW betalen over Google Adsense inkomsten? update
In augustus 2008 schreef ik al over of je nou wel of niet geacht wordt BTW te betalen over Google Adsense inkomsten. De conclusie was toen “nee”. Veel bezoekers waren hierin geinteresseerd en er is ook behoorlijk op gereageerd. Begin dit jaar kwamen er nieuwe voorwaarden voor het gebruik van Adsense. De Euro kwam beschikbaar… Continue reading BTW betalen over Google Adsense inkomsten? update
How to prevent deeplinking images from your website
Other sites deeplinking images from your account can cost you a fortune on bandwidth. If you see in your stats that some pictures are being deeplinked then do something about it! This is what you could do:
PHPBB: Imageset misses “nl” localisation
If you get the following message in the Admin log of your phpBB installation or something alike: Imageset misses “nl” localisation » prosilver
BTW betalen over Google Adsense inkomsten?
Al mijn internet activiteiten heb ik ondergebracht in mijn eenmanszaak Prostech. Deze activiteiten omvatten met name webhosting en website beheer, waarbij de inkomsten uit dit website beheer voor 90% Google Adsense inkomsten zijn.
How to prevent comment spam in Coppermine
In the Coppermine photo album on one of my websites I suddenly got a lot of comment spam. The causes are obvious. I’m allowing non-registered users to post comments on popular web photo album software.
Search Engine Friendly URL for Joomla with suPHP
After migrating some Joomla-sites from an old server to my new webserver with suPHP the search engine friendly urls didn’t work anymore. The main problem was that the layout was disappeared for all sites other than the main site. In the source code of such a page I found that all CSS files had a… Continue reading Search Engine Friendly URL for Joomla with suPHP
Who do you share a server with?
If you own a website then probably you’re sharing a server with a lot of other websites. Most websites are hosted on shared servers with hundreds of other websites. Thinking about this may result in asking some questions to yourself:
How to enter a link between the pages in WordPress
I’ve got a nice menu on the right with pages and (post) categories. I regard my Coppermine photo album as fixed content of my website and therefore as a page. But how to add this as a page in WordPress?Â